A Squirrel’s Tale began on Labor Day, 1999 with the rescue of a baby squirrel. Our first state permit was issued in 2000 with incorporation taking place in 2002 and IRS 501(c)(3) status was received in early 2003. As of 2016 our main office is located in St. Clair County, Michigan.
Our primary focus is on Sciuridae, and to that end we take in orphaned and abandoned baby squirrels, raise them, then release them back into their natural environments. We also care for injured adults as well as various other small, native Michigan wild mammals. In order to do this successfully, time is invested in studying both natural history and scientific findings, as well as observing squirrels in their wild habitats. Formal continuing education in the field of wildlife rehabilitation is pursued annually, we maintain a close working relationship with our consulting veterinarian as well as another outstate veterinarian who is an active wildlife rehabilitator. Informal networking among other wildlife rehabilitators who specialize in squirrels allows for the sharing of knowledge, and we act as mentors to those who are new to the field as well as continuing to be mentored by those with even more experience.
A great deal of financial investment is made on a regular basis to provide the optimal captive environment and diet for all wild animals who find themselves in care. Because the different stages of development have different requirements, housing ranges from small, nest-size containers for babies to room-sized, walk-in pre-release pens for juveniles and adults. Diets range from infant formulas that simulate mother’s milk as closely as possible based on scientific research to an adult’s needs for appropriate solids that include a specialized base supplemented with a wide-ranging variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Investments are also made to provide medical care as needed. Beginning at intake with triage treatment for injuries or simply getting rid of fleas, standard protocols for hypothermia, dehydration and/or emaciation are followed. A small pharmacy of both allopathic and homeopathic medicines is maintained to treat common problems; more serious matters are evaluated by our consulting veterinarian, where x-rays and other diagnostic procedures are performed, as well as surgery when necessary.
Our secondary goal is public education on matters concerning wildlife. This is pursued through various venues such as public presentations and lectures at local organizations and schools, and attendance at local pet expos. Outreach is further accomplished through writing and wildlife photography.
PJ. Garner is the founder and president of A Squirrel’s Tale. She served as the president of the Michigan Wildlife Rehabilitators Association for 9 years. She holds memberships in various wildlife rehabilitation organizations and she is also a certified Emergency Animal Rescue Services volunteer for Red Rover (formerly United Animal Nations).
PJ.’s corporate resume includes 32 years in information technology services; her career started at one of the largest IT services providers in the world. She is currently working in IT security in the automotive industry. Her professional skills include writing and presentations, and she leverages those skills in her work with both A Squirrel’s Tale and in teaching squirrel rehabilitation to other wildlife rehabilitators.
PJ. is also an accomplished nature and documentary photographer, and uses the sales of her photographs to help raise funds for A Squirrel’s Tale. (CLICK HERE to see her gallery.)
PJ. resides with her partner (and partner-in-crime) in a very old farmhouse on land filled with woods, and is currently working on a book about her experiences.
Contact Us
Email: Inquiry (at) squirreltale “dot” com
NOTE: We are currently not accepting any intakes. Please visit our LINKS page to access the Michigan DNR web list of state-licensed wildlife rehabilitators who are taking public calls and visit our EMERGENCIES page for what to do until you reach someone . If your inquiry is concerning educational programs or presentations, or you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in need of a consultation, email is the best way to reach us.