“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have.”
(Abraham Lincoln)
We don’t take on long-term cases blindly. Often they are fraught with frustration and even though the grace and spirit displayed by each wild soul is inevitably the most valuable and most treasured of lessons, getting through to whatever end each story holds isn’t easy.
Suki’s journey is now become one such tale.
While he eventually recovered from his initial acute attack of pancreatitis, he was hit with a second attack a month later. Not quite as severe, it seemed touch-and-go the first 24 hours but, to our surprise, it was over in only 3 days. Once again eating well, he was finally starting to regain some strength and some weight and plans to move him back to a larger cage were being made. Now, however, not even a fortnight later, he is having another acute attack and, of equally great concern, Suki also appears to have aspiration pneumonia. I’d worried about this being a possibility when he threw up while taking a drink from his dish at the start of the previous attack but then he recovered so quickly and so well the worry gradually faded away.
I could kick myself now. I cannot help but fear the worst, yet Suki’s will to live remains strong. Weak as a newborn kitten, he still makes feeble attempts to groom and equally feebly, yet with a surprising underpinning of gut-rooted strength, occasionally tries to fend off my attempts to minister to him. Tonight he’s been given an appropriate antibiotic and through my tears I’m praying like a madwoman it starts to do its job quickly.
Lois Day says
Joining you in prayers.