Fortune and love favor the brave.(Ovid) We bid farewell to George Staples yesterday. Just a few weeks shy of his 11th birthday, congestive heart failure ran its inevitable course; breaking our hearts dreadfully in the process. There is no accounting for how well a wild animal will fare in captivity but I have found that truly non-releasables simply and … [Read More...]
Featured Story

Every Breath You Drew Was “Hallelujah”
"My sins would drive the nails in You, That rugged cross was my cross, too. Still every breath You drew was Hallelujah." (Cloverton, "A Hallelujah … [Read More...]
Rehab Stories
A Tiny Note
"Look and you will find it - what is unsought will go undetected. " (Sophocles) It has been quite a while since I have posted anything here. Not because I haven't … [Read More...]
More From A Squirrel’s Tale

Senseless, Defenseless Squirrel Slaughter In Holley, New York
"Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself." (James Anthony Froude) They walk amongst us. The misguided, the anthropocentric, the insufferably insecure and therefore … [Read More...]

Oh, Joy!
"Food is an important part of a balanced diet." (Fran Lebowitz) Well, slap my ass with a hairless cat; I am sitting here watching as Joy devours several big leaves of Romaine lettuce and then, best of all, at long last and better late than never, it is now … [Read More...]

Op/Ed: Managing CWD In Michigan
On August 25, 2008, the Michigan departments of Agriculture (MDA) and Natural Resources (DNR) issued a press release confirming the state's first case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in a 3-year old white-tailed deer from a privately owned cervid facility … [Read More...]

Nonda Surratt (1954-2011)
I had the privilege of speaking at Nonda Surratt's memorial service this past Friday. While she would have appreciated the wicked humor of it being April Fool's Day, nevertheless it was truly one of the saddest days of not only my life, but of so many … [Read More...]

The Rehabber’s Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring but one little mouse. … [Read More...]

‘Tis the Season…
... and while the world grows beautiful as trees and flowers begin to bloom, a sad truth is that baby wild animals are now being orphaned or abandoned on a daily basis due to the careless or deliberate actions of humans. Those of us who work with wildlife … [Read More...]