“Food is an important part of a balanced diet.”
(Fran Lebowitz)
Well, slap my ass with a hairless cat; I am sitting here watching as Joy devours several big leaves of Romaine lettuce and then, best of all, at long last and better late than never, it is now being followed by the oh-so-satisfying loud and crunchy sound of a monkey biscuit being eaten with eager determination.
Whatever tummy troubles the girl had earlier this fall seem to have finally abated. To be sure, she’s lost a lot of weight since her bout of intestinal blockage and the seasonal period of spending more time asleep than awake so she’s now quite slim and trim. The newfound lightness on her feet (well, as light as anything built like a groundhog can ever be) also finds her running around in play and more than once I’ve caught her doing a squirrely “happy feet” dance.
Such sights are truly a joy.
Of course we continue to watch her like a hawk. This newfound love of biscuits, while excellent for her overall health, has taken a bit of getting used to on the part of her guts.
But so far, so huge-sigh-of-relief good.
Lois Day says
Both are doing better……………YEH!!!